Rebuilding and restoring the demo project to the TI CC2650 Sensortag

1. Install CCS 7
2. In the resource browser, download TIRTOS for CC2650.

This must be installed in C:/ti

At this point you will get a prompt to download dependencies including the latest XDTools. This is a command line tool that is used to "link" the various pre-built libraries. Accept this and restart when prompted. We're not going to use this version but it doesn't hurt to have it installed either.

3. So which version of XDTools will we need? XDTools 3.30. You could probably reconfigure the projects using the latest version but for now lets just get things up and running. Download this alongside TIRTOS.

XDTools 3.30

Note, you can find other versions on the parent page.

This must be installed in C:/ti

4. Download and install the BLE Stack for CC2650:

BLE-STACK V2.2.1 (Support for CC2640/CC2650/CC1350)

This must be installed in C:/ti

You should now have the following in C:/ti

  • C:\ti\tirtos_cc13xx_cc26xx_2_20_01_08
  • C:\ti\xdctools_3_30_06_67_core
  • C:\ti\simplelink\ble_sdk_2_02_01_18

5. Create a new workspace.
6. Import a CCS project and browse to the C:\ti\simplelink\ble_sdk_2_02_01_18 directory. Press OK
You should now see a list of CC2650 compatible projects:

7. For every BLE project we need the Boot Image Manager (BIM), and the dual projects for the stack and the app. Select

  • bim_extflash (I have already loaded it into the workspace so it shows greyed out.)
  • simple_peripheral_cc2650stk_stack
  • simple_peripheral_cc2650stk_app
8. Right click each project and select the properties. Check the following:

  • Resources > Linked Resources. Check the Path Variables and Linked Resources are valid and resolved.
  • General > Main tab. The Device variant can stay as CC2640 and still work. Note if you change the device here CCS will automatically create a new linker command file 
  • Make sure the Linker command file field is empty.

    The examples already come with their own linker command file. Adding a new one here will create a conflict and a build error complaining about overlapping existing memory

You're properties for all three should appear like the following:




9. Compile and download the bim_extflash project one in turn (Debug button in the toolbar). Stop the debug when it has completed
 10. Compile and download the simple_peripheral_cc2650stk_stack project one in turn (Debug button in the toolbar). Stop the debug when it has completed

11. Compile and download the simple_peripheral_cc2650stk_app project one in turn (Debug button in the toolbar). This is the main app. Run the debug session to start the app.

12. Check the device using an BLE scanner app on your phone. I used LightBlue.
You should find the CC2650 is picked up.
